From Circle to Spiral1/15

How can the centrifugal element of the location be developed into a magical centre?

Above the underground roundabout of the A23 motorway, in the south of Vienna, a city quarter is to be built. The hitherto peripheral traffic junction of the roundabout is moving into the centre through the construction of a subway station: above the underground infrastructure, a development is to be planned which will combine large multi-storey car parks, the ASFINAG headquarters, further office space and special forms of housing to form a coherent urban quarter as a local sub-centre.

Location: Wien 1100, Österreich Project format: geladener städtebaulicher Wettbewerb mit vorgeschaltetem Auswahlverfahren ´´VERTEILERKREIS FAVORITEN´´ Project status: abgeschlossen Size: 37.000 m2 BGF: > 60.000 m2 Planning period: 2010 –2011 Customer: Stadt Wien MA21 Partners: Markus Pernthaler Professional Planner: Vogt Landschaftsarchitektur, Werkraum Ingenieure (Tragwerksplanung) Employees: Julian Adrian Ruera, Ruth Tortosa Esquembre, Lukas Brotzge, Alice Bayandin